Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

6 Oct 16:00

Lecture NIT Urban Heritage Lab: Increasing Public Awareness and Engagement

Erik Graafstal (Utrecht Heritage Centre - UHS) and Lara Meneghini (Lazzaretti Veneziani)


6 Oct 16:00 - 18:00

An important aspect related to the conservation of heritage is the public involvement. Hence, the third session of the public lecture series of NIT Urban Heritage Lab|Archaeological Heritage and Liveable Cities Course focuses on increasing public awareness and engagement. During this seminar, Erik Graafstal (Utrecht Heritage Centre - UHS) and Lara Meneghini (Lazzaretti Veneziani) will discuss how to improve public awareness and engagement towards archaeological sites using as case studies the sites and museums they are currently dealing with. In particular, they will explain strategies, educational activities and design of the Castellum Hoge Woerd in the Netherlands and of the Lazzaretto Nuovo in Venice.

Date: 6 October 2023, Friday
Time: 4 pm - 6 pm (Istanbul time)

The event will be online. No registration is necessary. Please follow the link below to join the webinar. The session will be in English.

Meeting link: Go here 

Meeting ID: 849 2731 4820

Password: 036471

NIT Urban Heritage Lab is an initiative of the Netherlands Institute in Turkey that investigates the role of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in achieving inclusive, circular, and sustainable cities. The third edition of the Urban Heritage Lab Autumn Course is organized by the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT), in collaboration with Middle East Technical University (METU), Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development, and with the support of the Netherlands Consulate-General in Istanbul.

The course will spotlight archaeological heritage in urban contexts and explore a series of topical issues, including: How can archaeological heritage in urban settings contribute to presenting the stories of a city and its inhabitants? Given the nature of archaeological remains (often underfoot, fragmented, limited to small exposures, disconnected from present-day communities, obstructing rather than enabling present-day urban movement), what are the specific challenges of archaeological heritage in this respect? What are the best strategies for preservation, display and public engagement? Can archaeological heritage be a driver for sustainable urban development in a time of climate crisis?

Between September 22 and December 15 (except for October 20 and 27), NIT offers a series of public webinars on Archaeological Heritage and Liveable Cities from academics and professionals every Friday from 16.00-18.00 (Turkish time). Follow NIT’s social media and announcements to receive the Zoom links for these weekly meetings.