Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije


In this section, we present you the research projects conducted within and supported by the NIT.

last updated 27 May 2024

Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop

The Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop is a new initiative that aims to offer a platform for dialogue and exchange for all those interested in scientific research on the Chalcolithic Period in Anatolia. read more

last updated 09 Jun 2023

NIT Urban Heritage Lab

NIT Urban Heritage Lab is an initiative of the Netherlands Institute in Turkey that investigates the role of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in achieving inclusive, circular, and sustainable cities. read more

last updated 21 Mar 2023

Tell Kurdu Excavations

The Tell Kurdu Excavation Project investigates a large settlement site dating from the sixth and fifth millennium BCE in the Amuq Plain in the southern province of Hatay. The excavations are co-directed by Rana Özbal (Koç University) and Fokke Gerrit ... read more

last updated 08 Jul 2024

Projects by NIT Fellows and Visiting Scholars (2006-2023)

From 2006 onwards, numerous junior researchers have received a fellowship from the Netherlands Institute in Turkey for a research stay in Istanbul. In addition, several senior scholars have spent periods between three months and half a year at the NI ... read more

last updated 21 Mar 2023

The Feriköy Protestant Cemetery Initiative

The Feriköy Protestant Cemetery Initiative aims to preserve, document, and study Istanbul's main Protestant cemetery as an important local historic landmark. read more

last updated 21 Mar 2023

Barcın Höyük Excavations

The Barcın Höyük Excavations Project investigates the settlement remains of an early farming community of the seventh millennium BC. The archaeological site of Barcın Höyük is located in the Yenişehir Valley in Bursa in northwest Anatolia. The excav ... read more

last updated 21 Mar 2023

Machiel Kiel Photographic Archive

This project aims at the digitization and publication of the photographic archive of architectural historian Machiel Kiel. read more

last updated 21 Mar 2023

Architectural Heritage of the Ottoman Balkans

This long-term research project, conducted by NIT research fellow Machiel Kiel, includes not only a full inventory of Ottoman architectural remains in southeastern Europe, but also archival research into the social and political aspects of the buildi ... read more