Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

Book Specifications


Accepting submissions for the 2025 issue ISSN: 0066-1554

Anatolica is an international scholarly journal published annually since 1967. Anatolica is published by Peeters Publishers under the aegis of the Netherlands Institute in Turkey.

The Editorial Board welcomes submissions on the archaeology and history of Anatolia and neighboring regions from prehistory to the Ottoman era. Original scholarly papers from the disciplines of archaeology, history, history of archaeology, history of art, anthropology, epigraphy, history of architecture, archaeometry, geographical information systems (GIS), numismatic, maritime archaeology, cultural heritage management, digital humanities, museum studies are in the scope of the journal.

Anatolica is an international, peer-reviewed journal. Submitted contributions are subject to review by the Editorial Board and external specialists (referees) prior to acceptance for publication. 

Manuscripts to be published in Anatolica can be submitted throughout the year; however, generally those submitted after 1 December are typically not considered for publication in the following year.

General information

Anatolica (ISSSN: 0066-1554, e-ISSSN: 1875-6654) is a scholarly periodical on the cultures of Western Asia, annually published by Peeters Publishers in November/December under the aegis of the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT).

Anatolica is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Anatolica follows the international standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). You can find Anatolica's Publication Policies and Guidelines for Peer Review here.

Editor: Fokke A. Gerritsen

Assistant editors: Aysel Arslan, Gülşah Günata

Advisory Board: 

A. Güliz Bilgin Altınöz

Brian Rose

Canan Çakırlar

Çiler Çilingiroğlu

Francesca Balossi-Restelli

Joanita Vroom

Müge Durusu Tanrıöver

Rana Özbal

Rüstem Aslan

Scott Branting

Willemijn Waal

Zeynep Çizmeli Öğün


Anatolica is indexed and abstracted in the following services:

  • Bibliographie linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences/IBZ online 
  • Index Islamicus 
  • L’Année Philologique
  • Scopus
  • Thomson Scientific Links

All administrative and subscription matters, including access to Anatolica Online, are handled by Peeters. Please refer to Peeters about subscriptions, ordering and open access policies. Back issues and abstracts are available on Peeters’ webpage.

Guidelines for authors

Authors who wish to publish their manuscripts at Anatolica should refer to Anatolica’s Styleguide. The submission document should include the following:

  • One or more digital text files (abstract, article text, appendices, tables, list of figures, captions, and tables—separate files or combined into one file in Microsoft Word format)
  • If your manuscript contains special characters, a print example of the article as a pdf file
  • Illustrations in jpeg or tiff format, minimum 300 dpi (separate files, not pasted into the word document). Labels and explanatory text within illustrations should be in English.

Complete files, with the above-mentioned documents, should be submitted electronically as email attachments or, in the case of large files, a WeTransfer download.

Email address: anatolica@nit-istanbul.org

Author’s responsibilities

By submitting their manuscripts to Anatolica, authors accept that their articles are original manuscripts that have not been published or are currently being reviewed elsewhere. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their article adheres to the scientific and ethical rules and standards. Authors are responsible for following the copyright laws and regulations for any material they use for the manuscript. Appropriate permissions and acknowledgments must be obtained to reproduce and reuse copyright materials such as figures, drawings, and extensive quotations.

Any contributions or words that do not belong to the author(s) must be credited. In manuscripts with multiple authors, all authors must provide direct scientific or academic contributions to the manuscript. Contributions that are not extensive enough to qualify for authorship should be credited in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript.

All authors must disclose any conflict of interests that might potentially affect the results of the scientific research. It is the authors' responsibility to cooperate with the editors and inform them if they realize a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article and provide corrections to their mistakes or retract their article.


For editorial matters (inquiries about submission, etc.) please contact the Editor, anatolica@nit-istanbul.org

For administrative matters (orders, subscription, etc.) please contact Peeters Publishers, peeters@peeters-leuven.be