Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

Gülşah Günata completed her PhD in Archaeology and History of Art at Koç University. She conducted post-doctoral research at the Koç University Research Center of Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) and then at the British Institute at Ankara (BIAA). Her research interests are archaeology, art, and culture of ancient Anatolia from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic periods, particularly regarding ancient religion and cult practices, iconography, regional and cultural interconnections, and women ‘s life in the ancient world. She is also interested in the practical application of theory in archaeology. She has participated in various excavation and research projects in Turkey, including Tell Kurdu, Gordion, Klaros, Barcın Höyük, Gre Amer, Konya Ereğli Survey Project (KEYAR), Kaman Kale Höyük, Klazomenai, and Burgaz (Old Knidos).