Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

8 Jan 18:30

Lecture New discoveries at Barcın Höyük. A step towards understanding the Neolithic of Northwest Anatolia

Fokke Gerritsen, Rana Özbal

Netherlands Institute in Turkey, Netherlands Institute in Turkey

8 Jan 18:30 - 20:30

As a result of ongoing excavations, we now know that sedentary farming communities settled down in west and northwest Anatolia just before the middle of the seventh millennium BC. In this lecture we will present the findings from the 2013 and 2014 seasons of the Barcin Hoyuk Excavations in Bursa. These excavations are allowing us to draw up a picture of how these first farmers of the Marmara Region lived and died. In addition, several recent finds will be presented that allow us to rethink the cultural connections between central and northwestern Anatolia.

About the location

Netherlands Institute in Turkey
Merkez Han, Istiklal Caddesi 181

Contact person

Güher Gürmen
212 293 9283