Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

14 Dec '17

Sema Baykan Tells About the Foundations of BiblioPera

An interview with Sema Baykan, one of the former librarians of the NIT, where she tells about the foundations of BiblioPera to İrem Ünal, the current NIT librarian.

The "Periodicals Collective Catalogue" that Sema Baykan had prepared in 1980 became an inspiration for BiblioPera after years. In this interview, Baykan talks about the institute's structure, the library technology and services with some nostalgic comparisons about Beyoğlu in those years. Describing what kind of benefits the institute provided to urban culture and the library users in that period, Baykan concluded with the words that this tradition is continued at the NIT presently.

The interview is in Turkish. Please click here to watch it.