Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

Istanbul's Saturday Mothers

Zara Toksöz (2015)

During my stay at the NIT in April 2015, I conducted research for my master thesis on the Saturday Mothers movement and its relation with the Turkish authorities. As this movement gathers every Saturday in front of the Galatasaray square in Istanbul, the great location of the NIT helped me in gaining easy access to the group. After the gatherings it took me just a couple of minutes to reach the NIT library where I immediately wrote down my observations and thoughts.

At the personal level, the contact with the NIT staff and the other NIT fellow provided me with new contacts and ideas about future work possibilities. It gave me an idea on the work and living opportunities in Istanbul.

When I’ll finish my thesis in June I definitely want figure these opportunities out!