Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

The French Radical Party and the Making of Kemalism

Remzi Çağatay Çakırlar (Leiden University)

My Ph.D. project entitled The French Radical Party and the Making of Kemalism (1901-1939) is the continuation of my MA thesis Edouard Herriot: An Intellectual, Republican, and Radical-Socialist between France and Turkey (1908-1938). Both projects have been supervised at Leiden University by Prof. Erik-Jan Zürcher (Leiden) and Prof. Nathalie Clayer (EHESS-Paris).

The Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT) offered me the unique opportunity to pursuit my research and consult a remarkable amount of primary sources that are paramount for the realization of my project. In fact, there I had the chance to conduct a large scale literature review on the newspapers published at late Ottoman and early Republican period. The principal newspapers among the sources which I referred, I should mention; Minber, Sabah, Tevhid, İkdam, Vatan, Vakit, Son Telgraf, Cumhuriyet, Hâkimiyet-i Milliye, Son Posta, Milliyet, Tan, and Ulus in addition to various other publications in Ottoman Turkish, Modern Turkish, and French.

Due to archival and library research, I often travel and have to arrange accommodation in every city I visit. Unlike other places, in Istanbul, not only I had a quite pleasant stay, but I could also embark on my research the day I moved into NIT thanks to the Institute’s practicality and its central location in İstiklâl Caddesi. Moreover, as a research fellow, I was allowed to access the NIT’s library 24/7, and to have my accommodation with all facilities only few steps away from the study area. Finally, I am indebted to institute’s head Dr. Fokke Gerritsen and Assistant Güher Gürmen, as well as NIT librarians and staff for their enjoyable hospitality in the institute. Thanks to them, I now have new friends and their positive approach already marked NIT among my favorite places to visit in Beyoğlu.